That was then…

It would appear that some things never really change…I came across a section of local newspaper at my mother-in-laws this week (which had belonged to her mother-in-law), dated October 1935.  It’s old, real old and not in particularly good condition unfortunately, but never the less, its gold.

I had a good chuckle reading through it and it struck me that although this advice was given 77 years ago…77! when you would assume we’d have changed and evolved in barrels since then…..really we’re women today much like we were then…beauty and fashion obsessed, striving to be great at everything we do and striving to age gracefully!  Good luck with that…

The key to flawless, youthful skin and ultimately, your happiness…

Stockings are indeed costly ladies, so be sure to look after them….

The quest for unnaturally white teeth continues….


And let us not forget the all important

Prevention is certainly better than the cure….pretty sure that’s called Botox today.

Hope that you found this helpful!!